China Trip: Monday, 24 July 2006
Week 2. I couldn’t believe there were only 5 days left! We were already experiencing the "I-don’t-want-to-leave" syndrome. In today’s class we made invitations for the students’ families and friends. We also revised the concert songs. We also asked 8 girls to stay behind: Sophie, Jane, Tina, Mayket, Ling, Miko, Bruse Li and Linda. Some of these girls were rather quiet. Tina was one of them and she was a daughter of one of our cooks. As mothers go, we were kindly asked to give Tina some encouragement as she used to be quite rebellious, but has come a long way since. Tonight's objective, wasn’t only to shout these girls dinner at McDonalds, but more so to encourage and bless them. In the one-hour session following recess we taught the students "another theory" called Creation, a challenge to the theory of evolution. We also had a look at some of my wedding photos from Saturday, and had a good laugh out of it. Our activity was making paper planes. There was a competition – the one whose plane flew the furthest would win a prize: a good old Aussie softball. The winner was James, one of the quieter boys. Jim actually threw the furthest, but it was his 3rd plane!
We mentioned about the Students’ Concert this coming Friday night in which the two songs we have been rehearsing will be performed. We also made note that each class was to perform some kinda of drama. When we asked for volunteers for it, 19 responded.
The drama is entitled "You Are Special", authored by Max Lucado. This drama was performed last year as well. 17 of the 19 who responded came, so some had to double their parts. Here are some photos of the first rehearsal:

Well, the girls were excited as we took them to the Maccas restaurant. In particular, we were glad to see Sophie smile all the time – in fact she was quite hyperactive! She was one of the quiet girls in class and after the first day she mentioned that she wanted to transfer to another class. I’m sure she was more than happy to be in our class now! We also found out that she was at first afraid to talk to foreigners in case they told her off harshly, since her English wasn’t that good. But we saw her confidence build more and more. There were 12 of us (Jenny, Megan, Felix, myself and the 8 girls) and the meal cost ¥316 = ~$56.43. I ate way too much: a Big Mac, a Black Pepper Grilled Chicken Triangle Wrap (it’s a pita sandwich, and even has rice in it – nicer than the Big Mac!), 3 spicy chicken wings (like those KFC Wicked Wings), a Sweet Taro Pie (yum again!!), medium fries and a peach spider drink! Megan would later journal this in – oh what privacy is there?!?

Back at church, I made some balloon figurines with Annie, Kat, Elin, Canaan and Megan.

Week 2. I couldn’t believe there were only 5 days left! We were already experiencing the "I-don’t-want-to-leave" syndrome. In today’s class we made invitations for the students’ families and friends. We also revised the concert songs. We also asked 8 girls to stay behind: Sophie, Jane, Tina, Mayket, Ling, Miko, Bruse Li and Linda. Some of these girls were rather quiet. Tina was one of them and she was a daughter of one of our cooks. As mothers go, we were kindly asked to give Tina some encouragement as she used to be quite rebellious, but has come a long way since. Tonight's objective, wasn’t only to shout these girls dinner at McDonalds, but more so to encourage and bless them. In the one-hour session following recess we taught the students "another theory" called Creation, a challenge to the theory of evolution. We also had a look at some of my wedding photos from Saturday, and had a good laugh out of it. Our activity was making paper planes. There was a competition – the one whose plane flew the furthest would win a prize: a good old Aussie softball. The winner was James, one of the quieter boys. Jim actually threw the furthest, but it was his 3rd plane!
We mentioned about the Students’ Concert this coming Friday night in which the two songs we have been rehearsing will be performed. We also made note that each class was to perform some kinda of drama. When we asked for volunteers for it, 19 responded.
The drama is entitled "You Are Special", authored by Max Lucado. This drama was performed last year as well. 17 of the 19 who responded came, so some had to double their parts. Here are some photos of the first rehearsal:

Well, the girls were excited as we took them to the Maccas restaurant. In particular, we were glad to see Sophie smile all the time – in fact she was quite hyperactive! She was one of the quiet girls in class and after the first day she mentioned that she wanted to transfer to another class. I’m sure she was more than happy to be in our class now! We also found out that she was at first afraid to talk to foreigners in case they told her off harshly, since her English wasn’t that good. But we saw her confidence build more and more. There were 12 of us (Jenny, Megan, Felix, myself and the 8 girls) and the meal cost ¥316 = ~$56.43. I ate way too much: a Big Mac, a Black Pepper Grilled Chicken Triangle Wrap (it’s a pita sandwich, and even has rice in it – nicer than the Big Mac!), 3 spicy chicken wings (like those KFC Wicked Wings), a Sweet Taro Pie (yum again!!), medium fries and a peach spider drink! Megan would later journal this in – oh what privacy is there?!?

Back at church, I made some balloon figurines with Annie, Kat, Elin, Canaan and Megan.

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