...just launched!!
The Network I'm heading up this year is Micah Tribe. A group of committed warriors!!

What is your purpose or goal in life?
Clayton shared at the recent leaders meeting that everyone strives to achieve two things in life:
• To take more risks, and
• To do something significant.
I believe that everyone has goals in life – whether short term or long term. But in the big picture, we all not only have a mutual calling as Christians (i.e. to reach out – cf. Matt 28:19-20), but each of us has a specific calling. A life purpose.
What is it? Some people may know what their calling is, but most don’t know it. However there are clues that will help us discover what our calling is. One clue is to see what God is doing in the world today. His priority is to advance His Kingdom. Hence our calling will be in line with that. Another clue is taking a look at what you already have. Whilst it’s good to have a vision for the future, one does not live there. God has already given you what you need to fulfil your purpose in life right now. You don’t have to be someone else to achieve something. In order to do something right now, we need to know what to do. How? Simply by being in tune with God and seizing the opportunities as they come. However goals and giftings is something I’ll share more on later in the year. I’m heading somewhere with this, so bear with me.
My purpose
It has taken some time, but I believe that my purpose in life is to see this generation won for God. My present goal, in order to see the fulfilment of my life-long purpose, is to start by reaching out right here in our Network. (For those who are unaware, “Network” is the new name for what used to be called Coach Group.)
Introducing: MICAH TRIBE
Now to confuse it even further: MICAH TRIBE is the name of our Network. Why the name? I know that every year bears its own challenges, and I feel that 2006 will present bigger and tougher challenges yet.
• This name, cheesy or not, will hopefully ignite something within each of us, that we can all say, “hey I’m part of something bigger of myself.”
• A name carries much significance. Abram (exalted father) had his name change to Abraham (father of many).
• Names give identity. While a name itself won’t make change happen, it will, prayerfully, stir within us all a passion to “turn over a new leaf” and make the decision to change.
• And to be under one name, or under one banner, means that we are all fighting, together, for a cause. What is our cause?
“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” – Ephesians 3:20-21 (NKJV)
My vision for 2006 is to see God breaking through in our generation. I want to see God showing up in miraculous ways both in the lives of individuals and in the group as a whole. Last year was fantastic. However God does not calls us to point where we can stop and say, “yep, we’ve done it, let’s settle here.” No, an adventure is a continuous journey. Every year presents new opportunities, new challenges and trials. Every year we have a choice to make: to either settle at the level we’re at, or to keep growing – facing new challenges and allowing God to shape our character.
• There is no character-building without challenges.
• There is no growth without goals.
• There is no opportunity that comes without obstacles.
Why Micah?
In order to see this vision accomplished or to see changes happen, we need to set some challenges to get there. In order to see change we need to start from inside and work our way out. First, from our individual lives to the life of the Tribe; and then from the Tribe to the world around us. Let’s set some goals in both our individual lives and our Tribe.
Individual Focus
One of my favourite verses:
“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8 (NIV)
In Micah, we see that God requires us to:
1. Act Justly
• “Just”
o “of moral excellence”
o “free from favouritism or self-interest or bias or deception”
o “conforming with established standards” – the Bible is our standard
• In order to act justly, we must watch our ATTITUDES.
o Are we walking the way we should be walking? That is, are our thoughts, speech, behaviour, actions aligned with God’s purposes?
o Is my life a testimony of my faith?
2. Love Mercy
• “Mercy”
o “something for which to be thankful” – appreciate the sacrifice God gave (upward mentality)
o “a disposition to be kind and forgiving” – build the unity in our group (inward mentality)
o “a feeling that motivates compassion” – have compassion on those not as fortunate (outward mentality)
3. Walk humbly with Him
• “Humble”
o “meekness; not arrogant nor prideful”
• Above all, an obedient and willing heart is a heart after God’s own. A humble heart quashes pride: it “lets go and lets God.”
To see change happening outside us, we need to develop a healthy attitude and lifestyle inside. Note that the biggest obstacle to all three points is PRIDE. This is something we want to see quashed!
Corporate Focus
For our corporate/tribal focus, we use the acronym M.I.C.A.H. to describe the 5-point commitment that will enable us to grab a hold of the vision. In a nutshell, it’s about stepping up to a new level as a group. If we don’t challenge ourselves, it’s very easy to sit back and become complacent or mediocre.
• A new level of MATURITY
o Everyone’s at a different stage of maturity. It cannot be measured nor compared. The focus however, is to take every individual (and thus the group as a whole) to a new level: that is, moving up and not being idle or comfortable. Maturity is essentially, continual growth.
• A spirit of “INCLUSIVENESS”
o Encourage those around you.
o We are to be an open group, so that those who are new will feel like part of our family. This usually doesn’t happen until we learn to step outside our comfort circles.
• A degree of CHALLENGE
o Raise up: To develop our gifts and to build one another up. To challenge ourselves each other.
o Reach out: To understand that there is no “one way to evangelise”. Different people have different needs and will respond differently. We need to find the common ground – and the easiest way is to start with friendship. We also need to break the mentality of coming to church, and staying within the boundaries of the building itself. Church is about people – in or outside the building. We need to understand that there are many people out there who need to hear about God. We have a job to do – something we’re all born to do…
o If you’re sick of challenges, you’re sick of growth. Our Network is about challenging individual and mutual growth: to overcome personal and corporate obstacles.
• A new standard of ACCOUNTABILITY
o While spiritual health fluctuates and is hard to measure, it is important that we are open and honest to each other. Get involved in each other’s lives. It is very to become isolated in the world today.
o We need to keep prayer happening and make the effort to ensure everyone is well supported and encouraged.
• A new HEART (Ezek 36:26)
o A heart for our generation.
o A desire and will to make changes. To enthusiastically pursue what is godly and to ruthlessly oppose sin.
o To reinforce or reinstate what we believe in to ensure our hearts are in tune with God’s.
Why a Tribe?
The culture of “tribes” carries with it connotations of warfare. Indeed with challenging ourselves and making the firm commitment to follow hard after God, there will certainly be opposition from the Enemy. We are here to advance God’s Kingdom. When we commit ourselves to this proactive cause, we are a threat to the Enemy. We will face obstacles. There will be trials and temptations. However whether you are aware of it or not, we are all fighting this spiritual war together – and whether one falls or rejoices, so will the group. God is the leader of this tribe, and because He is, victory is assured. Mind you, I said assured not instant! We have a path to walk together yet.
Will you…?
So now you know the vision God has placed in me for MICAH TRIBE.
The (tribal) leaders are all excited and they’ve jumped on board.
Will you also jump on board with us and fight for what we stand for?
The Network I'm heading up this year is Micah Tribe. A group of committed warriors!!

What is your purpose or goal in life?
Clayton shared at the recent leaders meeting that everyone strives to achieve two things in life:
• To take more risks, and
• To do something significant.
I believe that everyone has goals in life – whether short term or long term. But in the big picture, we all not only have a mutual calling as Christians (i.e. to reach out – cf. Matt 28:19-20), but each of us has a specific calling. A life purpose.
What is it? Some people may know what their calling is, but most don’t know it. However there are clues that will help us discover what our calling is. One clue is to see what God is doing in the world today. His priority is to advance His Kingdom. Hence our calling will be in line with that. Another clue is taking a look at what you already have. Whilst it’s good to have a vision for the future, one does not live there. God has already given you what you need to fulfil your purpose in life right now. You don’t have to be someone else to achieve something. In order to do something right now, we need to know what to do. How? Simply by being in tune with God and seizing the opportunities as they come. However goals and giftings is something I’ll share more on later in the year. I’m heading somewhere with this, so bear with me.
My purpose
It has taken some time, but I believe that my purpose in life is to see this generation won for God. My present goal, in order to see the fulfilment of my life-long purpose, is to start by reaching out right here in our Network. (For those who are unaware, “Network” is the new name for what used to be called Coach Group.)
Introducing: MICAH TRIBE
Now to confuse it even further: MICAH TRIBE is the name of our Network. Why the name? I know that every year bears its own challenges, and I feel that 2006 will present bigger and tougher challenges yet.
• This name, cheesy or not, will hopefully ignite something within each of us, that we can all say, “hey I’m part of something bigger of myself.”
• A name carries much significance. Abram (exalted father) had his name change to Abraham (father of many).
• Names give identity. While a name itself won’t make change happen, it will, prayerfully, stir within us all a passion to “turn over a new leaf” and make the decision to change.
• And to be under one name, or under one banner, means that we are all fighting, together, for a cause. What is our cause?
“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” – Ephesians 3:20-21 (NKJV)
My vision for 2006 is to see God breaking through in our generation. I want to see God showing up in miraculous ways both in the lives of individuals and in the group as a whole. Last year was fantastic. However God does not calls us to point where we can stop and say, “yep, we’ve done it, let’s settle here.” No, an adventure is a continuous journey. Every year presents new opportunities, new challenges and trials. Every year we have a choice to make: to either settle at the level we’re at, or to keep growing – facing new challenges and allowing God to shape our character.
• There is no character-building without challenges.
• There is no growth without goals.
• There is no opportunity that comes without obstacles.
Why Micah?
In order to see this vision accomplished or to see changes happen, we need to set some challenges to get there. In order to see change we need to start from inside and work our way out. First, from our individual lives to the life of the Tribe; and then from the Tribe to the world around us. Let’s set some goals in both our individual lives and our Tribe.
Individual Focus
One of my favourite verses:
“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8 (NIV)
In Micah, we see that God requires us to:
1. Act Justly
• “Just”
o “of moral excellence”
o “free from favouritism or self-interest or bias or deception”
o “conforming with established standards” – the Bible is our standard
• In order to act justly, we must watch our ATTITUDES.
o Are we walking the way we should be walking? That is, are our thoughts, speech, behaviour, actions aligned with God’s purposes?
o Is my life a testimony of my faith?
2. Love Mercy
• “Mercy”
o “something for which to be thankful” – appreciate the sacrifice God gave (upward mentality)
o “a disposition to be kind and forgiving” – build the unity in our group (inward mentality)
o “a feeling that motivates compassion” – have compassion on those not as fortunate (outward mentality)
3. Walk humbly with Him
• “Humble”
o “meekness; not arrogant nor prideful”
• Above all, an obedient and willing heart is a heart after God’s own. A humble heart quashes pride: it “lets go and lets God.”
To see change happening outside us, we need to develop a healthy attitude and lifestyle inside. Note that the biggest obstacle to all three points is PRIDE. This is something we want to see quashed!
Corporate Focus
For our corporate/tribal focus, we use the acronym M.I.C.A.H. to describe the 5-point commitment that will enable us to grab a hold of the vision. In a nutshell, it’s about stepping up to a new level as a group. If we don’t challenge ourselves, it’s very easy to sit back and become complacent or mediocre.
• A new level of MATURITY
o Everyone’s at a different stage of maturity. It cannot be measured nor compared. The focus however, is to take every individual (and thus the group as a whole) to a new level: that is, moving up and not being idle or comfortable. Maturity is essentially, continual growth.
• A spirit of “INCLUSIVENESS”
o Encourage those around you.
o We are to be an open group, so that those who are new will feel like part of our family. This usually doesn’t happen until we learn to step outside our comfort circles.
• A degree of CHALLENGE
o Raise up: To develop our gifts and to build one another up. To challenge ourselves each other.
o Reach out: To understand that there is no “one way to evangelise”. Different people have different needs and will respond differently. We need to find the common ground – and the easiest way is to start with friendship. We also need to break the mentality of coming to church, and staying within the boundaries of the building itself. Church is about people – in or outside the building. We need to understand that there are many people out there who need to hear about God. We have a job to do – something we’re all born to do…
o If you’re sick of challenges, you’re sick of growth. Our Network is about challenging individual and mutual growth: to overcome personal and corporate obstacles.
• A new standard of ACCOUNTABILITY
o While spiritual health fluctuates and is hard to measure, it is important that we are open and honest to each other. Get involved in each other’s lives. It is very to become isolated in the world today.
o We need to keep prayer happening and make the effort to ensure everyone is well supported and encouraged.
• A new HEART (Ezek 36:26)
o A heart for our generation.
o A desire and will to make changes. To enthusiastically pursue what is godly and to ruthlessly oppose sin.
o To reinforce or reinstate what we believe in to ensure our hearts are in tune with God’s.
Why a Tribe?
The culture of “tribes” carries with it connotations of warfare. Indeed with challenging ourselves and making the firm commitment to follow hard after God, there will certainly be opposition from the Enemy. We are here to advance God’s Kingdom. When we commit ourselves to this proactive cause, we are a threat to the Enemy. We will face obstacles. There will be trials and temptations. However whether you are aware of it or not, we are all fighting this spiritual war together – and whether one falls or rejoices, so will the group. God is the leader of this tribe, and because He is, victory is assured. Mind you, I said assured not instant! We have a path to walk together yet.
Will you…?
So now you know the vision God has placed in me for MICAH TRIBE.
The (tribal) leaders are all excited and they’ve jumped on board.
Will you also jump on board with us and fight for what we stand for?
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