Upcoming Dance Social

Theme: Modern (Ballroom) - note you don't have to dress up (it's just a social!)
Day: Friday 28th April.
Venue: Grand Buffet Hall, 2nd floor Union House, Melbourne University.
Time: 7:30pm
Cost: $5 (for members and non-members)
If you don't know how to dance (or believe you're just unco): For the first 2 hours they teach some basic dance steps... then for the rest of the night you can bust your own moves.
So, contact me if you're interested... and if anyone else is interested, for that matter. It's an open invite!
As for the group I'm heading up with, here's the plan:
- 5:45pm tentative time to meet for whoever's carpooling
- 6:30pm dinner (meet cnr Lygon and Queensberry Sts) - it may be more convenient for some to meet there
- 7:30pm start dancing!
- Arthur
- Chao
- Dora
- Eddie
- Elaine C
- Galaxy
- Irene C
- James K
- Jia Jia
- John
- Josh
- Joyce
- Justine
- Kat
- Mary
- Mel C
- Michelle Y
- Sam
- Sammi
- Shaz
- Steph C
- Tiff
- Wan
- Wanz
wow! tis turning to a CLC dancing event... how awesome
thanx for organising!
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