Through the Eyes of the Homeless
I was at the Miracle Cafe this afternoon (that's Aflame's primary outreach avenue - sermon and food for the homeless) and spoke to a guy named Terry. He spoke of the only drug he ever used: LSD. But he's off it now.
When I asked how he got off it, he said it was because of his daughter. He used to come home drunk 6 nights a week and there was one morning when his baby daughter (at that time around 7 years old, I suspect) jumped onto his lap and said, "Daddy are you ok?" He replied, "Why are you asking?" Then she said, "Yesterday you were wobbling." So he must've been high the night before. Seeing his daughter’s face, he began crying and stopped taking drugs and alcohol.
The daughter's about 34 and married to a veterinarian now... but I didn't ask how come he was in a state of homelessness tho. But yeah he thanked me for "doing this cafe thing" and said that he looks forward to coming every week. "I'm sure you young guys have plenty more exciting things to do on a Saturday arvo, and it might not seem like much, but you guys are doing a lot more than you think." I ended the conversation by saying, "I look forward to coming each week to meet people like you, Terry." Amazing stuff....there's a story behind every face.....
Whoaaaa it's ALIVE!
Awesome story Sam!
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