3200 Qantas Frequent Flyer Points in 24 hours

Just a little update - I'm working in Western Australia now; on a gold-mine expansion project 2hrs drive SSE from Perth. It's in the middle of nowhere, and gets quite cold at nights - as cold as -3 degrees!
I fly back to Melbourne every 4th weekend for R&R. This weekend just passed was my July R&R, and so, for those who are wondering why I'm still in Melb... my last few days looked like this:
- Thu 24/07/2008 11:30pm (WST) - scheduled departure from PER airport
- Fri 25/07/2008 12:00am - actual departure
- Fri 25/07/2008 5:00am (EST) - arrival at MEL airport, took chauffeured taxi home
- Fri 25/07/2008 6:00am - arrived home, went to sleep
- Fri 25/07/2008 10:00am - watched "Children of the Silk Road" with Mum (great movie!)
- Sat 26/07/2008 - went to church, celebrated my 25th... woo!
- Sun 27/07/2008 - brunch, lunch - heaps of catch ups, dinner with Steph's family
- Mon 28/07/2008 10:00am – chauffeured taxi to airport
- Mon 28/07/2008 12:30pm - departed for Perth
- Mon 28/07/2008 2:30pm (WST) - arrived in Perth.... now get this: 3 voicemails on my phone. They wanted me in the Melb office urgently to do some work for a couple of weeks
- Mon 28/07/2008 4:00pm - arrived in Perth office, got the admin assistant to organise a hotel room for the night and flight back the next day (I need rest - no way I was flying immediately!)
- Mon 28/07/2008 5:30pm - hotel and flights confirmed
- Mon 28/07/2008 6:30pm - checked into hotel
- Mon 28/07/2008 8:30pm - dinner with Andrew, Vianny, Like, Daniel
- Mon 28/07/2008 10:30pm - back to hotel, heaps of email, sleep
- Tue 29/07/2008 4:30am - woke up, got ready, went to PER airport
- Tue 29/07/2008 5:15am - got to the check in desk, found that the travel agent booked, but did not issue the ticket!
- Tue 29/07/2008 5:45am - called the travel agent's emergency number, got the ticket issued, checked in
- Tue 29/07/2008 6:10am - scheduled departure from PER airport
- Tue 29/07/2008 7:30am - actual departure
- Tue 29/07/2008 12:30pm (EST) - arrived at MEL airport
- Tue 29/07/2008 1:30pm - arrived at Melb office (hehe - got a hire car), got briefed on what to do, got a workstation organised, started working, etc.
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