: : D E E P   S T U F F : :

Monday, May 14, 2007

Hi, I'm Sammy...

I once had a conversation about OLD NAMES. Most of them end in 'y'. In this day and age there are some names you wouldn't be naming your child (unless, of course, you are naming him/her after an ancestor), but still...

Top Five Old Names:
5. Barry
4. Shirley
3. Percy
2. Patsy
1. Baxter!


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

VALE: A&V Lazar Charcoal Grill

It has come to my attention (from the Oxygen's 2006 Good Food Guide Award winner's blog) that A&V Lazar Charcoal Grill, a steakhouse in Fitzroy, has been closed. It was this time last year + 18 days that I visited this restaurant with my brother.

Oh steakhouse, where art thou?

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Friday, May 04, 2007


On a website featuring Japanese restaurants in Australia, this ad popped up:

Funny.... but sad huh?

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